
Monday, June 10, 2019

Nosey Newsletter Interview with J.Q. Rose - Post Your Comments Here

Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter!

This is the posting place for your comments to Ms. J.Q. Rose if you've received today's newsletter. Because I, as it says right here, am extremely fleet-of-foot and shall pass along -speedily, speedily- your warmest words to her. 

And if for some unknown oversight on your part (like, where have you been???) are not part of Nosey's newsletter -well, get to signing up! C'mon, 'cause you know you're...Feeling Nosey, right? heh heh


  1. My question - what books did you read that have influenced what you write?

    1. Hi Alex, Sue Graftons alphabet mysteries and Janet Evanovichs Stephanie Plum series
      Thanks for asking

  2. Hi Ms. Rose: You are certainly courageous appearing on I.B. Nosey's interview. Your photo at your signing looks really professionally done. Sorry to say I've only participated in one signing with a number of other authors but I enjoyed it. Hope you had a successful day there and best wishes for your new novel. Crafting a mystery is beyond my writing ability.

    1. Thanks, Larry. Book signings are an experience, but never as unpredictable as an interview with Nosey!!

  3. Fun post--J. Q. Rose is a good sport! :-)

  4. Thanks, Lynn. It was fun for sure.


Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter reporting some reportable news!