NOSEY BIO: Loud, brass, and tastelessly attired, I.B. Nosey is famed for his exuberant “Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter!” He seeks answers to the kind of probing questions no accredited journalist would deem intelligent, let alone newsworthy enough, to ask. Fleet of foot, wide of mouth, and fluent of tongue-in-cheek, I.B. Nosey’s unique interviewing style is comparable to none.
Winner of the Pukelitzer Award. Spokesman for Gum Drop Island’s confectionary plantation. Featured in InD’Tale magazine and The Woven Tale Press.
Friday, January 18, 2013
It's Finally Settled!
So what happened to this wacko, weirdo, bizarre tale you ask?
To catch you up:
While you might think nothing was going on at this blog, here's the scoop on behind the scenes: Petunia the Skunk's scent mellowed out and she met Pedro, a latin hunk of a skunk who fell nose-over-tail in love with her. They were last seen singing "Lollipop, Lollipop" before disappearing into the sunset over the flagpole atop a Manhattan skyscraper.
O.G. Whattapayne resigned her position at ShutUrFace & DoWhatISay, and went to work as a doughnut hole taster for Knuckle-Smucker Puddin' & Pie Factory.
Y. Lee Persimmon eloped with Inves T. Gator. They now operate a 'Cheat 'em & Beat 'em' Mohave Desert car wash business.
Gagga DeBore got sued from an unnamed ex-employee of The Old Bag. No other details are known at this time.
Tobe A. WiteNite went on extended leave of absence. Last we heard he's the consulting attorney for the television show, NCPFH. ( Nim-Com-Poops-For-Hire)
Gail Branan gave up her job at SuckItUp & PayMeNow to become a best-selling author of even more bizarre tales than this one!
Sneak M. Hijinx...hmm, I have a feeling he's sneaking around somewhere.
Cyberbug 1 won the Ugly Bug Ball contest and Cyberbug 2 was runner-up. That's all the glory they need.
And I.B. Nosey?
With this case now settled and behind him, he can concentrate once more on doing what he does, or is that worse? Well, he's ready to return to interviewing. He's decided to make this blog his home, since even the title says, "Home of your 'official unofficial' reporter." (though, of course, that won't stop him from dropping in at other blogs/sites)
Whew. It's so good to be home, huh, Nosey? Relax. Lean back, prop your feet up and chomp down on that aroma-wafting box of chocolates that's just arrived from Gumdrop Island.
Uh...wait. They really are from Gumdrop Island - right????
To catch you up:
While you might think nothing was going on at this blog, here's the scoop on behind the scenes: Petunia the Skunk's scent mellowed out and she met Pedro, a latin hunk of a skunk who fell nose-over-tail in love with her. They were last seen singing "Lollipop, Lollipop" before disappearing into the sunset over the flagpole atop a Manhattan skyscraper.
O.G. Whattapayne resigned her position at ShutUrFace & DoWhatISay, and went to work as a doughnut hole taster for Knuckle-Smucker Puddin' & Pie Factory.
Y. Lee Persimmon eloped with Inves T. Gator. They now operate a 'Cheat 'em & Beat 'em' Mohave Desert car wash business.
Gagga DeBore got sued from an unnamed ex-employee of The Old Bag. No other details are known at this time.
Tobe A. WiteNite went on extended leave of absence. Last we heard he's the consulting attorney for the television show, NCPFH. ( Nim-Com-Poops-For-Hire)
Gail Branan gave up her job at SuckItUp & PayMeNow to become a best-selling author of even more bizarre tales than this one!
Sneak M. Hijinx...hmm, I have a feeling he's sneaking around somewhere.
Cyberbug 1 won the Ugly Bug Ball contest and Cyberbug 2 was runner-up. That's all the glory they need.
And I.B. Nosey?
With this case now settled and behind him, he can concentrate once more on doing what he does, or is that worse? Well, he's ready to return to interviewing. He's decided to make this blog his home, since even the title says, "Home of your 'official unofficial' reporter." (though, of course, that won't stop him from dropping in at other blogs/sites)
Whew. It's so good to be home, huh, Nosey? Relax. Lean back, prop your feet up and chomp down on that aroma-wafting box of chocolates that's just arrived from Gumdrop Island.
Uh...wait. They really are from Gumdrop Island - right????
fun and games,
Gail Branan,
gum drop island,
I.B. Nosey,
law practice,
leave of absence,
Miss Mae,
sneaking around,
television show,
the old bag,
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