NOSEY BIO: Loud, brass, and tastelessly attired, I.B. Nosey is famed for his exuberant “Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter!” He seeks answers to the kind of probing questions no accredited journalist would deem intelligent, let alone newsworthy enough, to ask. Fleet of foot, wide of mouth, and fluent of tongue-in-cheek, I.B. Nosey’s unique interviewing style is comparable to none.
Winner of the Pukelitzer Award. Spokesman for Gum Drop Island’s confectionary plantation. Featured in InD’Tale magazine and The Woven Tale Press.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Aren't You Feeling...Talky?
Announcing interviews with voice!!!
What? An I.B. Nosey interview - with voice?
That's right! I.B. Nosey speaks - and he can speak with you.
How, you ask? (and I'm glad you did, heh heh)
Well, for that bit of information, click on the page here that says "audible interviews available".
Uh huh. If reading an I.B. Nosey interview is what makes your world go 'round, then an actual convo with this official unofficial reporter will make your world soar into supersonic overdrive.
As in "it's him! It's him! I'm really talking to I.B. Nosey!!"
Hey, I've entered the 21st century, people. I.B. Nosey does talkies now.
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