MAESTRO: *wails* Remove the sight from me! The Maestro B. Flatt Sharp’s very one, very only, very favorite brilliance is hindered by such monstrosity!
NOSEY BIO: Loud, brass, and tastelessly attired, I.B. Nosey is famed for his exuberant “Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter!” He seeks answers to the kind of probing questions no accredited journalist would deem intelligent, let alone newsworthy enough, to ask. Fleet of foot, wide of mouth, and fluent of tongue-in-cheek, I.B. Nosey’s unique interviewing style is comparable to none.
Winner of the Pukelitzer Award. Spokesman for Gum Drop Island’s confectionary plantation. Featured in InD’Tale magazine and The Woven Tale Press.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Cindy K. Green Orchestrates an Interview with I.B. Nosey
NOSEY: Greetings, cybernuts!
This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter! Today I’m coming to you
from the music room of… Aack! *covers ears as loud drum noise beats
against…well, his own ear drums*
*Crowd of teenage chatter smothers Nosey’s
NOSEY: Hey! I’m I.B. Nosey! *teens
continue to yak and to tune instruments. Nosey blinks* Wassa matter
with you all? Don’t ‘cha know I’m the only Pukelitzer Award winning journalist
and that I’m here to make your day? *waves arms* Hey, I’m talkin’ to
you! *Kids stop and stare*
BOY: *eyes widen*
Is that the new maestro?
GIRL: Dressed like that?
*Kids approach*
BOY: Man, whadda’ya call
this? *fingers sleeve of Nosey’s blazer*
GIRL: Or this tangled bunch
of broomstraw? *clenches fist in Nosey’s hair*
2nd BOY: Nice pair of shades,
maestro. *taps on lens of Nosey’s glasses*
2nd GIRL: That’s a funny looking
baton. *snatches Nosey’s microphone*
NOSEY: Gimme that! *grabs
microphone back*
BOY: Hold on. There’s
something in his pocket… *reaches for closer look*
NOSEY: Do I know you? *slaps
protective hand against blazer*
GIRL: Hmm. *winks at boy*
How about we introduce ourselves?
*Together, kids jump on Nosey. He screams*
Help! Help! Handsome, cool and suave reporter in need of backup! Like… now
would be good!
[And right on cue pan scene to stage left]
WOMAN: *enters* What? Again,
Nosey? *clucks tongue* Can’t you go anywhere without creating a riot? *pulls
kids off*
NOSEY: Uhhh… who are you?
WOMAN: Hellooo! *plants
hands on hips* Didn’t you read the fourth line up? I’m your rescuing
help and I arrived right on my cue. *flips hair* As any good female
superhero would do.
GIRL: Why’re you helping him?
Can’t he take care of himself?
NOSEY: *snarls* Don’t get nosy,
gal. That’s my job.
BOY: Aw, all we’re doing is
having fun.
WOMAN: *arches brow*
You looked more like screaming fans to me.
GIRL: Fans? *makes face*
Of his?
NOSEY: You heard right,
girlie. *smirks* I’m the hottest heart throb in all the internet.
BOY: *sneers* In your dreams.
NOSEY: Or even night— er, um,
that is… *clears throat*
WOMAN: Okay, run along, kids.
Nosey’s here to interview me about my book Andrea and the 5-Day Challenge.
NOSEY: Oh, I get it! *snaps
fingers* You’re Ms. Cindy Green?
CG: Like, duh,
Nosey. *rolls eyes* I’m surprised you remember my name since… *hesitates*
you obviously get lost at following directions.
NOSEY: Whaddaya mean? I’m a
professional, lady. I always do everything right… uh, usually.
CG: Uh huh. *gives
dismissive wave to kids who saunter away* So how come you wound up in this
high school music room?
NOSEY: ‘Cause you said to
meet Julie Aard. *peers at kids* Is one of them girls Julie?
CG: Not to meet,
Nosey, meet at. And it’s Julliard. That’s— *closes eyes and
winces* I was warned about you. Not once, not twice, but thrice. But I? Noooo,
I just wouldn’t believe the talk.
NOSEY: Ladies talking me up,
huh? *puffs out chest* Yeah, I’m famed for that.
CG: *mutters* What have I
gotten myself into? Oh, well, here goes. *fishes book out of
knapsack* This is my newest release. How do you like the cover?
NOSEY: Heeey, now that’s a
cover! Says on here a five day challenge? What’s— *shrieks at screeching
note of tuba blowing* Holy foghorn! Where’s the tug boat?
CG: Nosey, you stay right
here. *grips Nosey’s elbow* If I’m going through with this interview,
then so are you.
CG: If you run off, you’re
liable to disappear to the moon!
NOSEY: Er, some folks think
I’m there already.
CG: Calm down, Nosey. Just
calm down. *straightens Nosey’s tie* Let’s begin our ‘professional’
interview, shall we? Is your atomic battery microphone turned on?
NOSEY: When it glows like
this? Sure… um, I mean… uh oh. *stares at mike* Whoa, it’s really
CG: Ah, keep it aimed your
way, Nosey, while I read the blurb, hm? *turns book over* My book
is ‘Andrea and the 5-Day Challenge’ and the blurb reads: ‘Dear
Lord, I need Your help and sooner would be better than later. Wouldn’t you know
it, just as soon as I decide to attempt the 5-Day Bible Study Challenge, my
parents start heaping on loads of pressure to get me into Julliard…’
NOSEY: See…*nods*…I told
ya we had to meet Julie Aard.
CG: Hush, Nosey, I’m
reading. *begins again:* ‘My
friend Amy isn’t any better, urging me to ask Luke Ryan to homecoming. As if
the cute, transfer jock would actually go out with me. I mean, we’re kinda
friends, and I’ve enjoyed our Geometry
study sessions, but in case Amy hasn’t noticed, I’m the invisible one at…’
NOSEY: *gasps* You mean we can’t
see her?
CG: Quiet, Nosey, I’m
busy. *proceeds*: ‘I’m the invisible one at Aubrey Christian Academy,
and I like it that way. On top of that, I have a feeling Luke’s concealing
something behind those chocolate-brown eyes of his…’
NOSEY: For real? Chocolate
eyes? *whistles in wonder*
CG: Chocolate-brown
eyes, yes, but… Listen to what else I’m saying, will you? *continues*: ‘I
know I can be self-centered and a bit melodramatic, but I really do want to
seek Your will for my life. Then maybe I’ll even figure out which direction
points up…’
NOSEY: Well, if you ask me—
CG: *slaps hand over Nosey’s mouth*
Let me finish with: ‘Sincerely, Andrea Jamision, High School Junior,
Change-o-phobic & complete neurotic’ *smiles* There.
That’s the whole blurb.
NOSEY: Mmm mmm mmm…*mumbles*
CG: What? Oh. *removes
hand* Now, tell me, Nosey. Isn’t that the most beautiful blurb you’ve ever…*blinks*
Why are you frowning?
NOSEY: Because you’ve butted
in on Andrea’s privacy, yeah.
CG: Me? Heavens no, Nosey.
NOSEY: Don’t deny it. Sheesh,
you authors! *throws up hands* You think you get all the rights and
privileges, eh?
CG: As to what, exactly?
NOSEY: Andrea, who else? The
little girl writes a letter, right, a personal one, and what makes you think
you can use that as a blurb, I’d like to know.
CG: Remarkable. *stares* I have to say that’s astute of you to notice, Nosey.
NOSEY: Nothing gets by this
nose, heh heh. Um — what’s a stoot?
CG: Let me just say that
I, as the author, did write out a traditional blurb, but it just wouldn’t do.
NOSEY: Nope?
CG: Nope. So I asked
Andrea if I could use her letter instead. What better way to introduce the
story than for Andrea to share her thoughts herself.
NOSEY: You asked her, huh?
CG: I did.
NOSEY: *suspicious*
Well, just to be sure, I think I’m gonna ask… *looks around room*
Where is she? *lowers voice* She’s not, ya know, being invisible, is
CG: Well… *shrugs*
Admit it, Nosey. Don’t we all feel a little invisible some of the time?
NOSEY: Uhhh…
CG: And Andrea likes
blending into the crowd. It’s easier than stepping outside her comfort zone.
CG: You see, she considers
herself to be the least interesting of her group of friends.
CG: She isn’t smart like
Amy or artistic like Angie or beautiful and popular like Alisha.
CG: She sees herself as
that girl with the plain brown hair, size nine feet, and who doesn’t
participate much in school activities.
NOSEY: Size nine feet! Holy
penny loafers, can you blame her? Although… *strokes chin in considering
gesture*… I just wonder…
CG: Yes?
NOSEY: Which way do they
CG: Excuse me?
NOSEY: Yeah, you said she
wanted to find which direction ‘pointed up’. So, like, do those size nines show
her the way?
CG: *giggles* As to that,
you’ll just have to read her book.
NOSEY: Aw, why can’t you tell
me now? Huh? Huh, can’t you? Do I really gotta wait?
CG: Yes, you do! However… *relents*
Well, I can say that things do turn a bit disastrous for a while and it
seems she’ll never make it right but God has a way of turning things around.
*Trumpet notes blasts the air. Nosey leaps and
plasters himself against wall*
NOSEY: Yikes! Call the
calvary! I think things are getting disastrous in here!
CG: You know… *surveys
kids with thoughtful gaze* I have a feeling they’re almost through warming
up their instruments. You might should move along in the interview. Next
NOSEY: Sure. Sure, I have
one. *eyes kids warily* It’s that Luke fella. I’d like to know—
CG: Oh, Luke, he’s the
cute transfer student from California. *wears dreamy expression*
He might be an all-star varsity baseball player, but he’s not like the rest of
the A-list kids.
NOSEY: Uh huh, but—
CG: He’s very down to
earth and not looking for what’s popular and cool.
NOSEY: Uh huh, but—
CG: He sees something
special in Andrea that others have missed.
NOSEY: Uh huh, but—
CG: She has value and when
they get together they just kind of have that spark.
NOSEY: Spark, is it? Where?
In his eyes? Uh huh, that’s what I wanna say. You claimed he concealed
something behind his ‘chocolate brown eyes’. Well, I bet I know just what he’s
CG: *gasps* Really? What?
NOSEY: He’s stolen a whole
gift bag of Gum Drop Island goodies, right?
CG: *grins* You guessed it!
Luke is full of all kinds of surprises.
NOSEY: Ha! Didn’t surprise me
none. Guys with brown eyes, they’re sneaky, you know.
CG: You have brown
eyes, Nosey.
NOSEY: Uhhh…
CG: Seriously, though,
he’s had to mature quickly. His family life is not the greatest. They’ve experienced
a personal tragedy, and that’s part of the reason why he latches onto Andrea
early on.
NOSEY: Uh oh. *shakes
microphone* Might be a real tragedy here too. Battery’s draining low on
atomic power.
CG: How is that possible?
NOSEY: You’re asking me?
CG: Ahem. Of course. What
should we do now?
NOSEY: *brightens*
I have a great idea.
CG: Good. Let’s hear it.
NOSEY: How about I sign a
trillion fan photos of me and you take ‘em back to all your readers—
CG: Nothing doing.
NOSEY: Okay, how about I sign
a million—
CG: No way.
NOSEY: Er, a thousand?
CG: No.
NOSEY: Hundred?
CG: *glares*
CG: Not even one.
NOSEY: C’mon! Don’t you want a
picture of my masculine manliness to carry in your wallet? *slants face for
better [cough, cough] view of profile*
CG: I’ll tell you
precisely what I want, Nosey.
NOSEY: Yeah? *runs tip of
finger around ear and leans in closer* Lay it on me, girlie.
CG: It’s just this… I have
a message for my readers.
NOSEY: Swell. We’re all ready
for you to spill the beans.
CG: Okay. Here’s my
message — I’d like for them to know that there’s a whole lot they can take away
from this first book in the Aubrey Christian Academy series. First, I hope they
see that reading can be fun and that there are some good wholesome and
entertaining books out there.
NOSEY: Huh. Call that a
CG: Don’t you?
NOSEY: Not to me.
CG: Why not?
NOSEY: Because messages are,
ya know, secret words written in morse code, pig latin or even Possumese.
CG: But I don’t want the
message hidden, Nosey.
NOSEY: Sure ya do!
CG: No, I don’t. I want
readers to take away the theme of this book which is looking outside of
ourselves, our own problems and our own insecurities and doing what you can for
CG: Nosey, it’s like this—
just be that friend at the right time and the right place. I’m also hoping they
love meeting Andrea, Amy, Angie and Alisha as much as I had creating them.
NOSEY: Well, if that’s how
you wanna roll—
*Door bursts open and man strides inside*
MAESTRO: Ring-a-ding-a-ling, my
little musical budding artists! Yes, it is I, the very one, the very only, the
very favorite Maestro B. Flatt Sharp at your service!
*Kids gather around, swooning and exclaiming*
MAESTRO: Yes, enjoy me, for
Maestro B. Flatt Sharp shall broaden your humble little dull minds into the
jingly-jangly wonders of chords and keys and squawks and squeals and— Aack! *sees
Nosey and throws arms across face* The Maestro B. Flatt Sharp is
attacked! Attacked viciously! How can I conduct my very one, my very only, my
very favorite masterpiece when I am faced with… that?
KIDS: *all clamor together*
What is it, Maestro? Where? What can we do?
MAESTRO: It is there! *points
quivering finger straight at…[pan scene up and down, around and around -- where
is he??? Oh, uh huh, spotted crouching behind cello case]*
CG: Nosey! *whispers in
aside* Take off that tweedy weedy blazer. It's insulting to the arts.
MAESTRO: *wails* Remove the sight from me! The Maestro B. Flatt Sharp’s very one, very only, very favorite brilliance is hindered by such monstrosity!
MAESTRO: *wails* Remove the sight from me! The Maestro B. Flatt Sharp’s very one, very only, very favorite brilliance is hindered by such monstrosity!
KIDS: *roar* Grab ‘im!
*They charge toward Nosey and he leaps in the
air, striking a high C note as he bolts for fire escape*
CG: Nosey, you chicken!
Come back here and face the music!
NOSEY: Are you crazy, lady! *shouts over shoulder as he
disappears down hallway* I’m making like Andrea and gonna get myself
invisible quick!
Available at Amazon
Visit Cindy's Website
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