Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
Yep, share and encourage. That's what we do...er, um, that's writers like what Miss Mae does, actually. Heh heh.
So what's going on this month? How about this handy question which Miss Mae is itching to answer:
"What are your pet peeves when reading/writing/editing?"
Take it away, Miss Mae!
From Miss Mae: "I've discovered that writing is a skill that must be learned. Just because you have an idea/story bouncing around in your mind doesn't mean that you necessarily KNOW how to describe that on paper. One of the best things I learned is not to write (for instance): "I started running", or "I began to read". A verb must follow the noun. So did you "start" or did you "begin"? Just go ahead and write: "I ran", or "I read". Forget about the "start, began". (When I read sentences like that now, yes, a pet peeve that makes me grit my teeth).
Another is something that's physically impossible for the human body to do, such as: "All eyes locked on the stranger who entered the room". Hm. Can "eyes" lock? No. Gazes, but not eyes.
Learning these improved my writing, and when you think about it, just makes sense."