Run for your Sanity! It's a Brand New I.B. Nosey Posting for the Insecure Writer's Support Group!
Go to IWSG Page Here
NOSEY: Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter with this month's -which happens to be October, in case you haven't been keeping up with me (and shamey if you aren't!)- IWSG's posting.
NOSEY: Yes, once again, you'll have your new monthly answer. But first, 'cause I know you're wondering this, what is the purpose of the ISWG? Glad you asked, 'cause, like, ya know, I can handle that. Heh heh. Sure I can 'cause I have what I'm supposed to say right here on my cheat sheet.
NOSEY: *flips open paper and reads* : Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
NOSEY: Hey, that's a great purpose, right? Miss Mae, who happens to be my author, thinks so and she's eager to answer this question for you --
*Feminine voice interrupts* Excuse me, hello! I'll answer for Miss Mae.
NOSEY: Huh? *twirls around* Who said that?
MQ: It's me, Ms. Quotes. Gosh, you haven't forgotten me, have you, Nosey? *looks all innocent*
NOSEY: *grinds teeth* I haven't forgot how you horned in on my last posting.
MQ: Goody, you do remember. Right, and so I'm here to--
NOSEY: Oh no, you don't, girlie. Can't ya read? This blog ain't named 'Feeling Blond?' It's 'Feeling Nosey?' which means it's my blog.
MQ: But--
NOSEY: Nope. Nothing doing. Shoo, scram, kiddo. You're bugging me. *pushes her behind stage-left's curtain*
MQ: *peeks around* Gosh, Nosey, can't you - ?
NOSEY: Hey. *scowls* Listen. You need a beauty makeover. One of those wide eyelashes you're so fond of fluttering is hanging by a - well, by a hair.
MQ: It is? *gasps* Oh no! *sounds of staccato heels racing off stage*
NOSEY: *mutters* Sheesh. Some reporters just love to cram their pesky microphones in people's faces. *clears throat* As I was saying...*hesitates* Hm. What was I saying? *brightens* Oh yeah. This month's question for you IWSG fans:
"Have you ever slipped any of your personal information into your characters, either by accident or on purpose?"
NOSEY: And so now, take it away, Miss Mae! *graciously hands over mic to MM - although maybe not quite so graciously, as begrudingly, but anyhoo -*

MISS MAE: Thank you, my official unofficial reporter. Well, how do I answer this month's question? *brow puckers in thought* Let's see. I guess I could start by saying that though it might not be information exactly, I think I've unwittingly slipped somewhat of a window into revealing bits of my own personality. By that, I mean if anyone reads my romantic mysteries, you'll find it challenging to deduce the answers. That's because I love puzzles - puzzling puzzles with twisty, unforeseen, intricate plots. However, when it comes to my characters I.B. Nosey, Ms. Quotes, Sir O. Yuri Wiseguy-eh, The Narrator, Heathcliff the private detective possum and the other 'mischaps' from my Gum Drop Island series of children's/kid-at-heart/humorous adventure tales, readers learn that I'm quirky, have a dry wit, adore puns, and enjoy a side of slapstick. And...uhhh.... *gives inquiring glance at Nosey* Think that's enough?
NOSEY: Yeah, yeah. *dismisses MM with a bored grimace* That's plenty of information that you couldn't decide if it was information or not.
MISS MAE: *sighs with relief* Good! You know how I hate speaking in public. *hands over microphone, pecks Nosey's cheek, straightens his tie, fluffs his hair, and then rushes to back office where she keeps her Acer laptop with the dusty keyboard*
NOSEY: And there, cybernuts, you have your answer straight from Miss Mae's own - er, um - fingertips. Heh heh. So, until next month - oh, wait! *starts with remembrance* Yeah. Okay. Can't forget this. Huh uh, nope. Too important. And what is it? Why, just that you'll be happy to know I'm participating in ISWG's 'Show Us Your Writer's Insecurity' photo swag contest. Yeah, that's right. Cool, Pukelitzer Award winning journalist, me! You don't wanna miss that photo, Nosey fans. It's sure to be a collector's item!
NOSEY: Folks, the blog hop is still leaping, so get on over to the IWSG and read some other terrific authors' posts. And tell 'em... that Nosey sent ya.
"Nosey sent me - Nosey sent me - Nosey sent me -"
Hey, yo, readers! Be nosey, and sign up for Miss Mae's newsletter! Why not? It's FREE!
And, did you also know that a short tale about me, I.B. Nosey, your intrepid internet reporter is FREE for you to simply download? Yes, come meet your
Fated Destiny...Oh, Yeah!