NOSEY: Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter reporting this month's posting about the Insecure Writer's Support Group. I know you're asking -and since I've got my nose to the news before anyone else can even scent a whiff and am, naturally, the journalist who can answer all your 'wanna knows', heh heh --
WOMEN: *screams*
WOMEN: Get a move on! Tell us this month's insecure question!
NOSEY: Who you demanding to get a move on? *grinds teeth* Listen, girlies. You're horning in on my Nosey posting and I want you OUT!
WOMEN: We're insecure writers, and we're not leaving until we hear Alex Cavanaugh's question.
NOSEY: Oh yeah? You wanna hear it, huh? What for?
WOMEN: Why not? After all, he's the group genius behind this blog hop.
NOSEY: A genius? *scoffs* Alex? Hey, I interviewed him and he couldn't even fly a spaceship across a galaxy without dumping out his cargo.
BLOND: *giggles* Did you ever think that maybe he tipped that ship on purpose?
NOSEY: Yeah, I-- huh?
BRUNETTE: Never mind, Barsha. I know how to get Alex's question. *reaches over and grabs paper from Nosey's tweedy-weedy blazer pocket*
BARSHA: *grins* Ooh. Excellent idea, Ban.
NOSEY: Hey, no stealing from the official unofficial reporter, gals. *hesitates* Wait a minute. Barsha and Ban. *narrows gaze* Who are you, really?
BAN: *tosses head* We're the girls who need to steer this post along. As in... *reads from card* Yes, it's right here. First, Alex states the purpose of the ISWG blog, which is--
BARSHA: *interrupts* Oh, I know that by heart. It's 'To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It's a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!'
NOSEY: But listen--
BAN: Barsha, Barsha, Barsha, you're so right on. And here is this month's question for our readers/authors: 'As you look back on 2017, with all its successes/failures, if you could backtrack, what would you do differently?'
NOSEY: But--
BARSHA: And, how clever! Miss Mae has her answers clipped to this card! *winks at Nosey*
NOSEY: But--
BAN: What does she say, Barsha, Barsha, Barsha?
NOSEY: *grimaces* Well, she doesn't say that.
BARSHA: No, she doesn't, Ban, Ban, Ban.
NOSEY: *groans*
BARSHA: But what Miss Mae does say is: 'Yes, I do. For instance, I wrote a freebie thriller/mystery, Unleashed. I should've stuck with my instincts and waited a few days before uploading. After I completed some later, better edits, I then put up the corrected version. A week later I downloaded and tested the Kindle/Mobi format and, darn it, that first edition is what I got. It's current on the online reader at the site, but I'm cringing with embarrassment for those who read my first write-up.'
NOSEY: But--
BAN: Ugh. *wrinkles nose* What kind of author makes an error like that?
NOSEY: But--
BARSHA: An insecure one, I'd say. *clucks tongue* C'mon, Ban. Let's hop over to Alex's blog and check out what the other authors have to say this month.
NOSEY: But--
BAN: Good idea. *strolls beside Barsha stage left, and then whispers in aside* Did you get a load of that blazer the fella's wearing? Who threw up on him?
NOSEY: I heard that!
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