NOSEY BIO: Loud, brass, and tastelessly attired, I.B. Nosey is famed for his exuberant “Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter!” He seeks answers to the kind of probing questions no accredited journalist would deem intelligent, let alone newsworthy enough, to ask. Fleet of foot, wide of mouth, and fluent of tongue-in-cheek, I.B. Nosey’s unique interviewing style is comparable to none.
Winner of the Pukelitzer Award. Spokesman for Gum Drop Island’s confectionary plantation. Featured in InD’Tale magazine and The Woven Tale Press.
Monday, June 10, 2019
Nosey Newsletter Interview with J.Q. Rose - Post Your Comments Here
Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter!
This is the posting place for your comments to Ms. J.Q. Rose if you've received today's newsletter. Because I, as it says right here, am extremely fleet-of-foot and shall pass along -speedily, speedily- your warmest words to her.
And if for some unknown oversight on your part (like, where have you been???) are not part of Nosey's newsletter -well, get to signing up! C'mon, 'cause you know you're...Feeling Nosey, right? heh heh
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Extra! Extra! An I.B. Nosey Newsletter Cometh!
Set your time and calendars to Monday, June 10, 2019, cybernut fans! Behold, a new I.B. Nosey newsletter cometh your way! With a guest star interviewee, heh heh. Of course, guest stars enjoy speaking into my microphone - it's just so - uh, great! Yeah, great!
You want to be able to read this interview, Nosey nutty fans. And how do you do that? Why, you sign up for the newsletter! And it'll get delivered right to your door - or to your computer - or to your phone - how do I know what you're using?! Anyway, thanks to the internet and satellites and whatever else is floating around up there, it gets delivered. Yeah.
So, see the cleverly placed Sign Up Form? Right over here! Sign up now, and the Nose will get back at ya to make your day especially fantastic and I.B. Nosey-ish.
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