First Wednesday of the Month - Is It IWSG Time?
Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It's a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds.
IWSG Question: August 7 question - Has your writing ever taken you by surprise? For example, a positive and belated response to a submission you'd forgotten about or an ending you never saw coming?
NOSEY: Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B.Nosey, your official unofficial reporter! And today is officially unofficially Insecure - uh, wait. It's probably officially IWSG day because...*checks calendar*...yeah, it's the first Wednesday of the month. *scratches head in confusion - mutters*...Does that matter?
NOSEY FANS: Whee, it's I.B. Nosey! Gladys...*pokes friend with elbow* you think he's insecure?
GLADYS: I dunno, Mabel. With a nose like that, how can he be secure?
*Both women hoot with shrieks of laughter* (yes, shriek and hoot. You read right, dear readers)
NOSEY: Wait a minute! What kind of fans are ya gals? I've got a job to do and you - hey, what're ya drinking there?
MABEL: Apple juice. *hiccups* With a dose of Gum Drop Island Choco-Hoffee. *bats lashes* You believe us, don't ya?
NOSEY: *frowns* Never knew Choco-Hoffee to give anyone a fit of the giggles.
GLADYS: Well, Miss Mae is giving away free drinks today to, uh - um, er - entice folks to stop by and listen to your... *waves airy hand*...whatever it is you're doing.
NOSEY: I'm doing a Feeling Insecure blog. *slaps forehead* Sheesh, can't anyone read these days?
MABEL: Well, then, get on with it. What are you feeling insecure about, Nosey?
NOSEY: Me? I'm not insecure. *whispers* Uh - is that what Miss Mae told ya?
GLADYS: *clears throat* We'll tell you what she did say. She said for us to give you this note...*passes slip of paper*
NOSEY: For real? Hm. Let's see...*reads aloud* To answer this month's question as to if your writing has ever taken you by surprise - I must answer, yes. Before I became published I attended an online course for aspiring authors. One lesson was to write a little something using the five senses. I wrote a scene, and others on the course stated it hyped their curiosity and they wanted to read more. Imagine my surprise! Because I had no 'more', but...that inspired me to produce, and a couple of months later, lo and behold, my first book "See No Evil, My Pretty Lady" became a reality.
MABEL: Gosh, that's interesting. Don't ya think so, Gladys?
GLADYS: *stares at Nosey* I dunno. I'm kinda thinking this reporter is getting real interesting. Mmm. He's even cute - in an uncute sort of way.
NOSEY: *gasps* No! No, back off, gal - I, um - I'm spoken for. Spoken real loud for.
GLADYS: *stumbles to feet* Oh, c'mon. A guy like you? You're just the host of this crazy Feeling Nosey? blog. *snorts with laughter* Aw, everybody knows that blog hosts are lonely and--
NOSEY: *snaps fingers* Blog host, eh? Hey, have I got a fella in mind for you! Yeah, his name is Alex and he's got a blog. *nods head like crazy* Uh huh. Uh huh. Alex has this blog, Insecure Writers, see. Just click the little link and - zap! You're right there with him!
GLADYS LOOKS AT MABEL: Whadda ya think?
MABEL: *shrugs* Why not? I think that's all this Nosey's got to say, anyway.
NOSEY: It sure is, Mabel, except for what I gotta say to Alex - *yells* - Alex, they're all yours!!