NOSEY BIO: Loud, brass, and tastelessly attired, I.B. Nosey is famed for his exuberant “Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter!” He seeks answers to the kind of probing questions no accredited journalist would deem intelligent, let alone newsworthy enough, to ask. Fleet of foot, wide of mouth, and fluent of tongue-in-cheek, I.B. Nosey’s unique interviewing style is comparable to none.

Winner of the Pukelitzer Award. Spokesman for Gum Drop Island’s confectionary plantation. Featured in InD’Tale magazine and The Woven Tale Press.

Monday, March 3, 2025

I.B. Nosey -- and News!


Greetings, I.B. Nosey fans! Yes, it truly is your official unofficial cyberspace reporter, I.B. Nosey. Heh heh, been a while, eh? Have you missed me? *wink*

Well, cyberfans, my author, Miss Mae, has called me to Headquarters with news, so I am walking down the aisle and -- aaiii! *falls against wall*

*Woman shouts* I.B. Nosey, what do you think you're doing???

(Hee hee, ha ha, hoo hoo, snort) 

*Name and Character Copyright by Miss Mae*

NOSEY: *blinks* Huh? Whadda ya mean? 

WOMAN: Your fans have been driving us crazy! Hollering here, hollering there, crowing about your popularity-- *breaks off, and then her eyes widen* Hey, you hear that? All that crowing is for you!

NOSEY: *smirks and straightens tie* Heh heh, well, of course. Um, I mean-- *listens* Hey, what's that noise?

WOMAN: I told ya they're crowing! They crow all the time! Drives me crazy! *shoves Nosey* Outta my way. I gotta take care of 'em.

NOSEY: Wait, where you going? Who are you, anyway?

WOMAN: Didn't your author tell you the news? The I.B. Nosey crew has expanded. *reaches up to yank tape off shoulder patch* I'm I.B. Silly, one of your latest members.

NOSEY: Oh, so that's your picture up there? I mean-- hey, wait a minute! Whadda ya mean the crew has expanded? Huh? What -- what?

SILLY: Outta my way, didn't I tell you? *yanks open door and noise of crowing explodes inside room*

NOSEY: *jaw drops in shock* Those are roosters!

SILLY: Think I don't know that? Duh, I ain't that silly! *runs outside to yards and yards full of crowing fans --um, crowing roosters, that is*

NOSEY: *slaps forehead* I gotta talk to Miss Mae. I have fans, zillions of fans and they definitely are not--

VOICE: Yoo hoo, you're in my way! 

NOSEY: *whirls around* Huh? Wait-- Ugh! *splatters against wall as girl bumps into him*

GIRL: Honestly, Nosey, do you have to hog the whole danged hallway?

(Danged cold, danged this, danged that, uh huh)
*Name and Character Copyright by Miss Mae

NOSEY: *stares* What? Who are you?

GIRL: *reveals shoulder patch* I.B. Danged at your service, Mr. Nosey, but you are in my way! Can't you hear all that crowing?

NOSEY: *scowls* Of course I hear my fans --er, um, those-- *waves hands* whatever! But you, what are you doing here at Headquarters, dressed like you're going to the north pole!

DANGED: Well, for your information, where I live it happens to be danged cold!

NOSEY: And where do you live, hmm?

DANGED: In the placed called Real Life.

NOSEY: *steps back in surprise* Oh. Huh. Yeah, that's--

DANGED: Move it! *pushes Nosey aside and hollers out* Hey, Silly! I'm coming! You know I handle crowd control! *speeds down hallway*

NOSEY: *groans* Oh, Miss Mae. What are you doing, huh? I just can't --*noise of revving motor interrupts* 

NOSEY: Aaaiii! *slams himself against wall*

(Va room, va rooooommm)

*Name and Character Copyright by Miss Mae

GIRL CALLS OUT: One side, Nosey. I.B. Sidekick is on the way!

NOSEY: Now wait just one Nosey minute--

SIDEKICK: No time, Nosey. I'm here to help I.B. Silly and I.B. Danged. I'm their chaffeur and chaperone. I won't let them go anywhere without me. So, byeee! *waves hand as car whizzes by*

NOSEY: *screams as he races down hallway* Miss Mae! Miss Mae! Show yourself! *halts abruptly as really loud, as in loud LOUD, noise echoes down hallway*

(roar roar boom boom)

*Name and Character copyright by Miss Mae*

RIDER: Whoa, Nosey! Didn't see ya, dude. *brings cycle to standstill, idles motor*

NOSEY: *breathes, breathes again* And do I wanna know who you are?

RIDER: *grins* Name's I.B. FisherMan, one of your new crew members.

NOSEY: *gulps* Fisher? Shouldn't you have a rod and reel, or something like that?

FISHERMAN: *laughs* If I were a FisherBoy, sure! But I'm a man, and how do ya like my new ride?

NOSEY: *runs finger around collar* Er, well, I mean-- *points in opposite direction* They all went thataway!

FISHERMAN: *laughs again and revs motor* Nah, they're cool. Actually, I'm headed there! *points toward open window*

NOSEY: *gasps* Whoa, what a great mountain that is! It's big, green, gorgeous and-- *stares hard* what is all that, that-- *gestures in confusion* stuff?

FISHERMAN: Fire and a cloud. Pretty cool, huh? *scratches chin in thought* But gotta ask-- Miss Mae is writing roosters and a mountain on fire in the same post? *shrugs* Oh, well, she's the author, I guess.

NOSEY: *nods nervously* Yeah, yeah, she's imaginative, that's what I've heard.

FISHERMAN: Well, great to meet ya, Nosey, but I got an appointment with Someone atop that mountain and can't be late, so--  *throws a wink at Nosey* See you at the blowing of the shofar! *rides straight through window and disappears in the midst of the billowing fiery cloud*

NOSEY: *slinks to floor, shakes head* Oh. Oh. Miss Mae, what kinda members you bringing in?  

(bow wow howl now)

*Name and Character Copyright by Miss Mae

STRANGER: Well, you feeling nosey yet, Nosey, about all this commotion?

NOSEY: Huh? *staggers to feet* And who might you be?

STRANGER: Why, I.B. Paw. Can't you tell? *whistles and four dogs run up*

DOG #1: *barks* (translated to, "Hi! I'm as pretty as a pearl")

DOG #2: *barks* (translated to, "Ha! I'm prettier than you! I'm as pretty as a ruby")

DOG #3: *barks* (translated to, "Who cares? Flowers are prettiest. Like me, as a daisy")

DOG #4: *barks* (translated to, "Shut up, girls, or I'll call the copper on ya")

NOSEY: *steps carefully* A new member of my crew, are you? 

PAW: Why, shucks, yeah. Hey! Hey! *shouts at dogs* Shut up now! C'mon, let's go. Y'all know we gotta help Silly, don't ya?

NOSEY: WHY??? Why you all meeting her?

PAW: *looks stunned* Why? Don't ya know, Nosey? We all gotta help her be even more silly. *whistles and doggies follow behind*

NOSEY: *mumbles beneath breath* All of them are my new crew members? 

VOICE FROM BEHIND: I'm coming! I'm coming!

(I'm coming round to be on ground)

*Name and Character copyright by Miss Mae* 

NOSEY: Aaargh! *leaps aside* What are you doing, gal???

GAL: *puffs hard* Hey, I've got a date with a Fall. Oh, I.B.Budzen, by the way. *comes charging up hallway*
NOSEY: I.B. Budzen, huh? And what is a Budzen?

BUDZEN: You gotta ask Miss Mae that. All I know is, there's a spot out in that yard reserved for me. Yep, a hard fall is coming and I can't miss it.

NOSEY: *shakes head in disbelief* You gonna do that? Hasn't your mama told you to miss this so-called date?

BUDZEN: Of course Mama told me that there'd be days like this, but... *rushes through back door* Whoever listens to their mama?

NOSEY: I can't take any more! *screams and runs down length of opposite hallway* Miss Mae! This is what you write for my crew members? Gimme a break!

*Door on side opens and man jumps out*

('Nuff Sounded)

*Name and Character Copyright by Miss Mae*

MAN: Hey, watch where you going, Nosey!

NOSEY: *screeches to halt* And who are you? And, wow, what is all that???

MAN: I.B. ItalianHands. Yeah, see my hands are fantastic. I can play drums with 'em, fix a flat tire, strum a guitar, throw pizza in the air! See? *gestures wildly to imitate flipping a pizza* You might just need me on your crew, Nosey.

NOSEY: Can you bake good Gum Drop Island chocolate?

ItalianHands: *makes face* Why would I wanna-- *gasps in terror* Oh, no! Look! Look!

NOSEY: *twirls around* Where? What? Show me, fella. Where?

ItalianHands: Up there! In the sky! It's an eagle! An eagle with eagle eyes! No, no, no! I'm outta here, dude! *runs like a speeding bullet towards nearest exit*

NOSEY: *wipes face with handkerchief* Miss Mae, are you coming out of hiding or what?

(Old Timers Remember Old Times)

Name and Character Copyright by Miss Mae

BRAND NEW VOICE: (yes, dear readers. One more!) She's around here somewhere, Nosey. Muttering something to herself.

NOSEY: *rolls eyes* How many new crew members am I getting?

NEW VOICE: How should I know? Think I'm writing this stuff? Nope, but I've been hearing ya blast your tone all the way through this Headquarters. You spit out words like a billy goat chewing on tin cans.

NOSEY: Huh? *places hand on hip* And just what is your name, old man?

NEW VOICE: That's right. I.B. OldTimer. That's me. I mean, I'm old but can't believe Miss Mae wrote me as being so old I ride a horse. I've never ridden a horse -- at least, don't think so. Wrote a bicycle once. Stupid thing. You work your legs off to carry your blankety-blank-blank around.

NOSEY: Whoa, fella. This is a G-rated blog, ya know.

OldTimer: Why'd ya think I said what I said? Sheesh. *looks around* On a horse, and all I ever had was old cars. They had plenty of horses under the hood, though. *chuckles* I burned a lot of corbon off with my cars. Loved to listen to car races. Yeah,  

NOSEY: *interrupts* That's enough! Miss Mae, c'mon now! Enough crew members!

FEMALE VOICE: There's always room for one more, Nosey.

(Mmmm, smooch smooch smooch)

*Name and Character Copyright of Miss Mae*

NOSEY: Hey, what's you doing with that rolling pin, lady?

LADY: I've been cooking. I love to cook and bake for all my babies and my grandbabies. Can't you tell?

OldTimer: There you are, buddy! I.B. Precious, where have you been? Went scooting off again without your dad-blamed pocketbook!

Precious: So that's where it is! You have it! *Eyes widen* Oh, listen! All that crowing and voices! It's our baby and grandbabies. Let's go! *hops atop horse and both gallop off into the -- well, where the commotion is taking place*

NOSEY: Miss Mae! What have you done adding all these members???

DOOR OPENS: Yes, Nosey? Oops!

MISS MAE: Oh, sorry, dear readers. It appears Nosey has fainted flat on the floor. Don't think I'm able to surprise him any more today. I just hope you enjoyed meeting the brand new I.B. Nosey Crew. Feel free to leave a comment, so Nosey can read it when he awakens. Until next time, remember: "Aren't you Feeling Nosey?"
