C'mon. If you're Feeling Nosey, you're Feeling Insecure too, right? Hey, you are Not. Alone. Whoa.
Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It's a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds.
September 4 question - If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story, where would it be and why?
NOSEY: Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter! I'll be your host today for the IWSG question and post, 'cause, like, ya know - this is my site and I'm the host anyway. Heh heh. So, for today's answer...hm, how about you? *points to guest* Where do you sit and write?
THORNY: Wherever I want, dude. Doubt me? *gives wicked grin*
NOSEY: *edges away* Eh, no, fella. I believe ya. Yeah, well, okay. Next writer, step up, please.
ANT COP: I can write in your egg salad, in your left over sardine sandwich, or even in your sweaty toe jam.
NOSEY: Cool! And what is it that you write?
ANT COP: My platoon spells these out: G.M.O.
NOSEY: *frowns* Er...okay. Yeah, let's see - that means Gee Me - no, wait. Uh, how's about Gim Me Oreos?
ANT COP: Get More Onions!
NOSEY: For real? *shakes head* I dunno. This is Insecure Writers Support, not a restaurant, pal. I kinda don't think that's what Alex is looking for. *bends down to whisper* He's the captain of a ninja, ya know.
ANT COP: *strokes chin in thought* Ah. The Ninja Captain. I know where he eats lunch.
NOSEY: Uhhh.... *scoots away* Maybe I have time to ask one more insecure writer guest. Hey! You! *points again - yes, again, dear readers* What's your space to write in?
MAESTRO B FLATT SHARP: Mr. Nose, a gifted one such as I does not write. No, no, no. I hum. Yes, I hum - and I might a-one an' a-two - and I might...
NOSEY: *scowls* Okay. Okay. I get it. *scratches head in confusion* Anyone else got something to say?
HORSE: Whee neigh, whee neigh, Mistar Norsey. Hare ye be. *hooves over item*
NOSEY: A gift horse? Hey, that's real nice - *jumps away* Keep your apples, fella!
HORSE: Whee neigh, snort. Hit's ah fertoon kookie.
NOSEY: A -? Oh! A fortune cookie? Wow, that's a swell gift. Yeah! *breaks open and pulls out slip of paper to read:* From Miss Mae: Sorry, Alex. I don't have just one place to sit and write, as I grab the moment wherever I am when that moment to write grabs me.
NOSEY: *looks up* Hey, Alex. Did you understand any of that stuff she just said? *glances around* 'Cause, like, you know, from the look of things I kinda get the feeling she's busy at the Funny Farm this week.