C'mon. If you're Feeling Nosey, you're Feeling Insecure too, right? Hey, you are Not. Alone. Whoa.
Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It's a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds.
September 4 question - If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story, where would it be and why?
NOSEY: Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter! I'll be your host today for the IWSG question and post, 'cause, like, ya know - this is my site and I'm the host anyway. Heh heh. So, for today's answer...hm, how about you? *points to guest* Where do you sit and write?
THORNY: Wherever I want, dude. Doubt me? *gives wicked grin*
NOSEY: *edges away* Eh, no, fella. I believe ya. Yeah, well, okay. Next writer, step up, please.
ANT COP: I can write in your egg salad, in your left over sardine sandwich, or even in your sweaty toe jam.
NOSEY: Cool! And what is it that you write?
ANT COP: My platoon spells these out: G.M.O.
NOSEY: *frowns* Er...okay. Yeah, let's see - that means Gee Me - no, wait. Uh, how's about Gim Me Oreos?
ANT COP: Get More Onions!
NOSEY: For real? *shakes head* I dunno. This is Insecure Writers Support, not a restaurant, pal. I kinda don't think that's what Alex is looking for. *bends down to whisper* He's the captain of a ninja, ya know.
ANT COP: *strokes chin in thought* Ah. The Ninja Captain. I know where he eats lunch.
NOSEY: Uhhh.... *scoots away* Maybe I have time to ask one more insecure writer guest. Hey! You! *points again - yes, again, dear readers* What's your space to write in?
MAESTRO B FLATT SHARP: Mr. Nose, a gifted one such as I does not write. No, no, no. I hum. Yes, I hum - and I might a-one an' a-two - and I might...
NOSEY: *scowls* Okay. Okay. I get it. *scratches head in confusion* Anyone else got something to say?
HORSE: Whee neigh, whee neigh, Mistar Norsey. Hare ye be. *hooves over item*
NOSEY: A gift horse? Hey, that's real nice - *jumps away* Keep your apples, fella!
HORSE: Whee neigh, snort. Hit's ah fertoon kookie.
NOSEY: A -? Oh! A fortune cookie? Wow, that's a swell gift. Yeah! *breaks open and pulls out slip of paper to read:* From Miss Mae: Sorry, Alex. I don't have just one place to sit and write, as I grab the moment wherever I am when that moment to write grabs me.
NOSEY: *looks up* Hey, Alex. Did you understand any of that stuff she just said? *glances around* 'Cause, like, you know, from the look of things I kinda get the feeling she's busy at the Funny Farm this week.
Well, I know I'm not sitting near the ant and neither is my lunch!
Sitting and writing for Thorny might be a big deal. :)
So that's where all the ant scribes are!
Hello, Nosey. Nice to meet you, even if you are nosey. ;)
Heya there @Alex! Thanks for stopping by, pal!
@T.Powell Coltrin, Thorny kinda gets his points across, I'd say!
@Sadira Stone, I think those ants are "scribing" to be friends!
@Chrys Fey, nice to make a new friend!
Hmm, I don't think I want to sit near Thorny or anywhere he's been. Could be dangerous. :o
We all have our place, esp. the ants--just not in my house, thank you very much. Happy IWSG day!
Thanks for visiting my blog.
There seems to be some confusion going on around here. In any case, I get writing wherever you can. Don't think I'd want any ants around, though.
Maestro B must be a really insecure writer if he can't even admit to writing. here does Nosey find these guys?
That was such an enjoyable read. How many bites and scratches can you get, depending on where you sit to write? Well Nosey, I had fun reading your blog post. Happy IWSG day.
Love the answer on the fortune cookie!
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